2015年5月22日 星期五

Asus Nexus 7 can't find device in adb debug mode.

Asus Nexus 7 cannot found in Android device chooser.
Besides, adb devices also not list in.

The root cause is computer can not recognize your device (Nexus 7),
When device plugged in computer, it will make a selection of MTP / PTP

If you didn't see the dialog, you can find it in:
Settings --> Storage --> Top Right Option (Computer USB Connection) tap--> choose MTP
Note: I can success in recognize device in choose PTP mode, too.

如果你的 Asus Nexus 7 插上電腦後怎麼通都找不到 Debug  裝置,除了先打開偵錯模式外,也有可能是你沒有選擇 MTP 或 PTP 模式,從
[設定] --> [儲存空間] --> 右上角選項 (USB電腦連線) --> 選 MTP
但有時候 PTP 也能抓到裝置,呵呵。

