2017年12月7日 星期四

保哥教你如何讓 windows command 變好看 (How to have good looking Windows Command Prompt)

保哥教你如何讓 windows command 變好看



[保哥 Github]


Win7 使用方法

1. 下載字型後安裝

2. 修改 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont
新增 REG_SZ, "950xxx" = "Microsoft YaHei Mono"
(xxx 為任意字元, 第一個 x 不能為數字)

ps. 我自己是用 950a11

3. 在 cmd 視窗上選擇預設值 

4. 選擇 Microsoft YaHei Mono

就大功告成啦!十分感謝 Will 保哥的教學,在此膜拜他一下。

2017年11月6日 星期一

MircoSD Card General Recommendations 使用與保存方法

General Recommendations

1. There are counterfeit memory cards out there. Buying from a reputable retailer helps minimize the risk of getting a fake.
2. Memory cards are complicated electronic products. A small percentage of electronic products end up being faulty from the manufacturing process. So it’s good practice to test your card before using it in a mission critical application. Better yet, have spare/s as backup.
3. Memory cards are not designed for long-term archival storage of photos and video. It’s good practice to download the data as soon as practical and get it backed up securely.
4. Format the card in the camera rather than with your computer. It reduces the risk of formatting problems.

2017年6月20日 星期二

讓記事本預設是 UTF-8

相信會找到這篇文章來的朋友一定是有這方面的困擾,一般來說,微軟內建的記事本的預設編碼是 ANSI,然而當我們需要存成 UTF-8 時,還要特地另存新檔(Save as)才能轉換,萬一忘記會造成一些無法預期的錯誤,不如就直接將記事本設成 UTF-8 吧!

首先隨便新增一個文字檔,可看到原本的格式是 ANSI

我們在桌面上建一個檔案,將檔案命名為 TXTUTF-8.txt,並且不要輸入任何東西。在存檔時將檔案編碼選擇 UTF-8,接著將這個檔案放到 C:\WINDOWS\SHELLNEW 路徑下。

完成後打開 regedit ,移到 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt\ShellNew 下,創建一個字串值並命名為 FileName,接著給予字串值為 TXTUTF-8.txt

將所有記事本關掉後,之後新增的純文字檔預設都變成 UTF-8 囉!

2017年3月24日 星期五

Google Play download pending. 下載卡住的問題

Sometimes we stuck in Google Play with a message "download pending".

Here's an easy to guide you how to solve it.

At first, going to [Setting] - [Apps], then find out "Google Play Store" and get in.
Tap [Storage], then clear data and clear cache might be success.

Good Luck.